In a recent interview, Dino Dhankar, the young prodigy of Indian polo, shared insights into his journey, achievements, and future aspirations. Dino has already made a significant mark in the polo world, winning numerous accolades and becoming a global ambassador for the prestigious brand La Martina
1- Dino, how are you preparing for the new polo season in India?
Currently we are getting the horses fit as well as ourselves as the season is right around the corner and playing team practices, chukkers and getting to know the team well.
2- What tournaments are you going to play?
we start the season in the pink city (jaipur) where we play till end of October and i am ready to play few 6 and 8 goal tournaments.
3- And what are your plans for the Argentine season?
I am really looking forward towards the Argentine season i am sure it’s going to be great like every year and surely i am planning to visit during the opens and try and compete in few tournaments.