2024 U.S. Open Women´s Polo Championship

From February 3 to 18, 2024, the U.S. Open Women´s Polo Championship, the highest competition in the United States, aimed at teams of 18 – 22 handicap goals.

The Port Macaya Club and the National Polo Center, in Florida, are the great stages where the teams compete for glory.

The defending champion is La Fe, who in the 2023 edition formed with Winifred Branscum, Pamela Flanagan, Hope Arellano and Hazel Jackson, so he has the challenge of staying at the top.

Among the most prominent players are the Argentine Mia Cambiaso and Lia Salvo; as well as the American and British Hazel Jackson, Isabelle Parsons, Milly Hine and Hope Arellano, recent winners of the Women’s Open.

The Teams

Bracket A
90210 Polo: Sarah Siegel-Magness, 2; Meghan Gracida, 4; Mia Cambiaso, 8; Catalina ‘Cata’ Lavinia, 7. Total: 21. 
La Fe: Naomi Tachibana Marlough, 1; Hanan Fadil, 1; Hope Arellano, 10; Hazel Jackson, 10. Total: 22.
Mint Eco Car Wash: Malia Bryan, 5; Cecelia Cochran, 4; Kylie Sheehan, 5; Isabelle ‘Izzy’ Parsons, 8. Total: 22.
Parrotheads Polo: Roni Duke, 2; Sophie Grant, 5; Fatima Balzano, 6; Lia Salvo, 9. Total: 22. 

Bracket B
Work to ride/Grand Champions: Caitlin Cregg, 3; Shariah Harris, 3; Maddie Grant, 6; Carina ‘Nina’ Clarkin, 10. Total: 22.
BTA/Lazy: Jordan Fikes, 3; KC Krueger, 6; Anna Palacios, 5; Sarah Wiseman, 7. Total: 21.
Buena Vibra: Valentina Tarazona, 1;Cory Williams, 4; Clara Seppe, 8; Milly Hine, 8. Total: 21.
Iconica: Maureen Brennan, 5; Luisa Del Carril, 5; Candelaria ‘Cande’ Fernandez-Araujo, 9; Winifred Branscum, 3. Total: 22.